About Us

Volunteer at the Food Bank

We celebrate service! Individuals and business volunteers are welcome Monday through Friday. You can volunteer for a few hours, ½ day, or a full day. If you are an individual, organization, church group, family or business interested in volunteering, please contact our office at 209.464.7369 or email info@stocktonfoodbank.org.  We care about our staff and volunteers. Gloves are available and masks are optional. We look forward to seeing you.



Volunteer at a Food Bank Event

The Emergency Food Bank is always looking for volunteers for special events. Listed below and on our Events Page, are current volunteer opportunities.  Our events would not be successful without the help of the many volunteers from the community, schools, businesses, and organizations.  We are always in need of your help!


  • November 25: Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway - LINK COMING SOON
  • November 27: Run and Walk Against Hunger - LINK COMING SOON
  • December 19: Holiday Turkey Giveaway - LINK COMING SOON

Community Service Requirements

We love our students! If you're a student in need of Community Service hours, we have great opportunities to volunteer. Contact us today so we can arrange hours that fit your schedule. We're open Monday-Friday, 9:00 am - Noon. We can use volunteers anytime between 7:00am to 1:00pm.

Nutrition Education Department Volunteer

Assist our Nutrition Education Department with various programs including Mobile Farmers Market, Community Events, Food as Medicine workshops and more.

  • Mobile Farmers Market: With 80 sites across San Joaquin County that receive monthly site visits to receive fresh produce, cooking demonstrations and education you will be able to assist Nutrition Educators at a site near you.
  • Community Events: Our community events in San Joaquin County include - resource fairs, health clinics, prduce distribution, school activities and family fun.
  • Food-as-Medicine: Being a volunteer with the Food-as-Medicine program allows the opportunity to practice general nutrition education to real clients who suffer from chronic illnesses. This opportunity could benefit those seeking community nutrition hours for the Registered Dietician (RD) program or if seeking a career in health education, public health, community nutrition, etc. Volunteers are a crucial part to maintaining a functional nutrition class and therefore, will be granted a certificate of completion of this program for their records.

We also have opportunities in our Nutrition Education Center that include: data entry, video recording and more.

To signup CLICK HERE